Virtual Course – Ergonomic Loupes May 31



The basic premise of ergonomics is to make the task fit the person, rather than making the person adjust to the task. Dentistry is one of the most demanding professions with high incidences of musculoskeletal disorders where many professionals are retiring early because of neck, back, shoulder, arm, and wrist injuries. One of the greatest benefits of the dental operative microscope (DOM) use in dentistry is the improvement in ergonomics. The microscope solves two of the major problems in dentistry: lack of vision (magnification) and posture (focal distance). This is why ideal neutral posture is generally not attainable while operating unless you use a dental microscope. Numerous studies have been conducted on the prevalence of work-related pain in dentistry. In the US, the results indicate that more than half of all practicing dental professionals experience work-related pain, and on average, 30% are forced into early retirement due to musculoskeletal disorders.

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