
Membership is open to Dentists, Dental Students, Hygienists and Laboratory Technicians. You do not have to have a microscope to join.


Reduced fee at AMED’s Annual Scientific Meeting
AMED’s Newsletter
Access to AMED’s Free Continuing Education Webinars
Earn points towards an AMED Fellowship & Mastership


Distinguish yourself professionally by pursuing AMED’s Advanced Membership Designations. AMED Certified Users, Fellows and Masters get listed on AMED’s webpage.

AMED Certified Microscope User

AMED Members who have shown a level of proficiency using the Dental Operating Microscope and have passed all three levels of AMED’s Microscope Skills Tests.

AMED Fellow (F.A.M.E.D.)

An AMED member who has attained the designation of Certified Microscope User and who has maintained AMED membership for a minimum of three continuous years and has earned a minimum of five points from the AMED Awards Point System.

  1. Must be Certified AMED member
  2. AMED Member for 3 consecutive years
  3. Must attend AMED Award ceremony at AMED Annual Meeting
  4. Must have attended 3 AMED meetings in the last 5 years
  5. Must attend at least 2 AMED Annual Meetings every 5 years to maintain the Fellow status
  6. Taken or taught at least two hands-on courses at an AMED meeting
  7. Earned at least 5 points according to the following point system*
  8. Approved by the Board
  • *5 points for presenting at AMED’s annual meeting
  • *3 points for an article in AMED newsletter or other publication, subject to committee approval
  • *2 points for microscope centered presentation to a study club or other dental meeting, subject to committee approval

AMED Master (M.A.M.E.D.)

An AMED member who has maintained AMED membership for a minimum of five continuous years and has earned a minimum of 10 points from the AMED Awards Point System.

  1. Must be AMED Fellow
  2. AMED Member for 5 consecutive years
  3. Must attend AMED Award ceremony at AMED Annual Meeting
  4. Must have attended 3 AMED meetings in the last 5 years
  5. Must attend at least 2 AMED Annual Meetings every 5 years to maintain a Master status
  6. Taken or taught at least three hands-on courses at an AMED meeting
  7. Earned at least 10 points according to the following point system*
  8. Approved by the Board

  • *5 points for presenting at AMED’s annual meeting
  • *3 points for an article in AMED newsletter or other publication, subject to committee approval
  • *2 points for microscope presentation to a study club or other dental meeting, subject to committee approval