Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry WEBINAR:
Zooming into Importance
July 27, 2024, 10am - 12pm EST

Dr Masoud Hassan Zadeh

Zero-Defect Restorative Dentistry: Ensuring Precision and Perfection in Dental Procedures.

Learning objectives:

  • Resolution & Visual Data: How magnification improves the resolution of the human eye.
  • Enhancing Illumination: The fluorescence mode.
  • Optimal Marginal Integrity.

Dr Masoud Hassan Zadeh

Masoud Hassan Zadeh has been following the principles of biomimetic restorative dentistry since 2019. With a deep passion for this branch of dentistry, he treats patients daily at his own practice in Drachten, the Netherlands. He is driven by the concept of ‘healthy ageing’ and aims to break the downward spiral of restored elements. Masoud graduated from Ege University in Izmir, Turkey, in 2015 and obtained his registration from ACTA in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in 2018. Over the past few years, he has authored several publications in Dutch, sharing the latest developments and techniques in the field. In 2023, he published the book “Glossary of Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry.”