South America Symposium
Lecture :- Oral Surgery Using the Dental Microscope
Course By:- William Linger, DDS, MAGD, MAMED
Course Description:-
This course will show you how all oral surgery procedures can be done while working through the Dental Microscope. The lecture will present how working through the microscope 100% of the time provides maximum productivity so you can do more in less time. The lecture will present how six handed surgery with proper use of your clinical assistants can streamline your procedures while working through the scope. Everything from extractions of impacted teeth to implant placement can be done while using the microscope 100% of the time.
Lecture :- Restoration of The Endodontically Treated Tooth with High Density Fibers and Glass Reinforced Composite. State-of-the-Art Biomimetic Techniques
Course By:- Randy Shoup, DDS, FAGD, MAMED
Course Description:-
This course will lay out a clear process for how to restore the endodontically treated tooth with the maximum amount of natural tooth structure preservation. A thorough description of the science behind the bonding process both pre and post irrigation will be presented. The analysis of the integrity of the remaining tooth structure and how to fabricate the appropriate internal ferrule will be discussed and demonstrated. The lecture will present how to minimize polymerization shrinkage and how to minimize the internal stress on the composite complex. Once the endodontically treated tooth has been reinforced the student will learn how to utilize partial coverage ceramic restorations to restore full contour, strength, durability, and longevity.
Hands-On-workshop :- Restoration of The Endodontically Treated Tooth with High Density Fibers and Glass Reinforced Composite. State-of-the-Art Biomimetic Techniques
Course By:- Randy Shoup, DDS, FAGD, MAMED
Course Description:-
The hands-on workshop will be an implementation of what is described in the lecture. The student will work on extracted teeth that have been
endodontically treated. The exercise will be an exact duplication of what the clinical will experience at the chair on a patient. The entire bonding
process, creating the reinforced core, then shaping the tooth structure for the ceramic restoration will be completed. The entire armamentarium,
supplies, products, equipment, and techniques will be made available to the student.
2 Hour Lecture :- Advanced Ergonomics in Microscope Dentistry
Course By:- Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues DDS, MAMED, CEAS II, AEP
Course Description:-
Clinical workers in dentistry have a high incidence of musculoskeletal disorders; one of the significant advantages of using the right magnification tool is that it improves ergonomics by improving our work posture. However, we have seen that the ergonomic potential of dental practice is not exploited due to a lack of information and basic knowledge of how to implement it correctly. By using the right magnification tool and concepts, participants will learn how to work without pain and alleviate the physical stress that plagues the dental profession. The goal is to promote a stressfree practice and the quality of clinical care provided.
Course Objectives:-
- Learn and Apply the principles of ergonomics in dentistry.
- Learn about the ergonomics stools in the market and test them.
- Learn the ergonomic benefits of the microscope in dentistry.Apply the use of the microscope properly and fluently.
- Apply the systematic positioning approach in microscope dentistry.
- Use the mirror for indirect vision in microscope dentistry.
- Address the proper training of the dental assistant for the efficient workflow.
- Learn how to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and the benefits of microbreaks and stretching during the work day
Learning Objetives:-
- Address the biomechanics of the human body and its impact on prolonged sitting work.
- Identify the ergonomic tools that improve posture during dental work.
- Apply the ergonomic concepts of the dental microscope and ergonomic loupes by working in each quadrant of the mouth 100 percent of the working time.
- Apply the principles of ergonomics in dentistry with the proper use of the dental microscope, the efficient use of the mirror and operator-patient position.
- Describe the assistant role in the efficient microscope dentistry practice.
HANDS-ON (3 HOURS) :- Hands-On Advanced Ergo Choosing Prepping Tooth or Restorative Preparations
Course By:- William Linger, DDS, MAGD, MAMED and
Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues DDS, MAMED, CEAS II, AEP
Course Description:-
How to work in the dental microscope in every quadrant. This hands-on workshop is for both new and experienced microscope users. The student will prepare teeth in every quadrant. Through proper positioning of the doctor, patient and microscope, the student will learn how to effectively place the mirror so that the microscope can be used in every quadrant 100% of the time.
Training Program:-
- Introduction to Dental Ergonomics and Biomechanics of the human body.
- Understanding the ergonomic stool.
- Systematic Positioning approach.
- Microscope Adjustments and Parfocal.
- Microscope Parfocal and procedural depth of field setting guidelines in position.
- Procedural Training in typodonts.
LECTURE :- Fractured Instrumental Removal and Endo Retreatment in Microscope Dentistry
Course By:- William Linger, DDS, MAGD, MAMED and
Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues DDS, MAMED, CEAS II, AEP
Course Description:-
Endo re-treatment is always a challenge in complex endodontics; the dentist must integrate resources, tools and technologies into clinical practice to solve specific cases and match them with simple and applicable guidelines. During the clinical management of root canals, there is always the risk of breaking an instrument inside the canal; depending on multiple factors, the management may be more or less complicated and may influence the endodontic treatment’s final outcome. Various instrument on the market help resolve these situations, or combinations of techniques and instruments designed for these purposes that, applied under mandatory magnification, could generate optimal results in the case resolution.
Course Objectives:-
- Learn and apply the principles of ergonomics in dentistry and the proper use of the microscope in complex endodontics.
- Learn effective removal techniques in complex endodontics.
- Learn a simple way of retreating every root canal treatment using different tools and technologies.
Course Objectives:-
- Address a new tool to remove instruments, broken files, etc. from root canals.
- Learn a new technique for instrumental bypass.
- Use the microscope proficiently to remove instrumental from the root canals.
HANDS-ON (3 HOURS) :- Hands-on-workshop Fractured Instrumental Removal and Endo Retreatment in Microscope Dentistry
Course By:- William Linger, DDS, MAGD, MAMED and
Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues DDS, MAMED, CEAS II, AEP
Training Program:-
- Instrumental Removal guidelines using a new and innovative technique.
- Endo retreatment, Gutta removal using the B-FXP.
- Use of ultrasonic techniques to remove gutta-percha from the canals.
- Use rotatory systems to remove gutta-percha from the canals.
Includes One Full Day of Lectures and
One Half Day Hands-On Workshop
(Also includes Lunch both days)
Hands-On Workshops
(per workshop)